Chess Legend Boris Spassky Dies at 88 After Iconic Cold War Match
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Boris Spassky, a Soviet chess grand master, died at 88.
He lost his world champion title to Bobby Fischer in a historic Cold War match.
Spassky regained confidence by winning the Soviet chess championship in 1973.
His legacy includes personal struggles, marriage to Marina Stcherbatcheff, and French citizenship.
360 summary
Despite Fischer's delays and demands, Spassky remained composed and focused on the match.
He even applauded a clever move by Fischer, showcasing his sportsmanship and respect for his opponent.
Throughout the competition, Spassky won over fans with his calm demeanor and unwavering patience.
Fischer's surprising bishop move stunned Spassky and caught commentators off guard, leading to a dramatic shift in the game.
Spectators initially leaving the hall quickly returned upon realizing Fischer's bold strategy, creating a charged atmosphere.
Krogius suggested that Fischer's move was made for psychological impact rather than a strategic advantage, adding a layer of complexity to the match.
Despite facing personal and professional challenges post-defeat, Spassky regained confidence by winning the Soviet chess championship in 1973.
After the historic Cold War match, Spassky faced a cold reception in the Soviet Union and felt persecuted by the KGB, leading to difficulties in his personal life.
Following his loss to Fischer, Spassky's marriage, his second, fell apart, adding to the challenges he experienced after the match.
Boris Vasilyevich Spassky was born in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) on Jan. 30, 1937, and spent several years in an orphanage during World War II, where he learned chess before reading and writing.
At the age of 10, Spassky defeated Soviet champion Mikhail Botvinnik in a game during a simultaneous exhibition, showcasing his exceptional talent at a young age.
Despite facing personal challenges early in life, Spassky's dedication to chess led him to become a grand master by the age of 18 and graduate from the University of Leningrad with a degree in journalism in 1950.
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