Meta Executives Granted Up to 200% Bonuses Amid Layoffs
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Executives can receive bonuses up to 200% of base pay.
Layoffs of about 4,000 employees coincide with bonus approval.
CEO Zuckerberg mentions targeting low-performing employees.
Bonus plan aims to motivate executives towards company goals.
Zuckerberg is not eligible for the increased bonus.
Layoffs affect 5% of Meta's workforce, causing employee concerns.
Positive performance reviews did not shield some employees from layoffs.
Company emphasizes a culture of high performance and accountability.
360 summary
Despite being terminated for "low performance," some affected Meta employees claim to have received positive performance reviews, leading to confusion and frustration among the workforce.
The public backlash on LinkedIn and online forums indicates a lack of clear communication and feedback from Meta management regarding employee performance expectations and areas for improvement.
The shift towards targeting underachieving employees reflects a broader trend in the tech industry, with companies like Microsoft also planning to address low performers in their workforce.
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