
Rep. Angie Craig urges Biden to drop out of 2024 presidential race


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  • Rep. Angie Craig urges Biden to drop out of 2024 presidential race
  • Craig says there is too much at stake to risk a second Donald Trump presidency
  • Biden has vowed that he will stay in the race
  • Mr. Biden made a campaign stop in the battleground state of Wisconsin on Friday
360 summary
  • House Democrats are expressing frustration with Biden's shaky debate performance and lack of a forceful response, with some calling for him to step aside.
  • Many front-liners are personally ready to ask Biden to step aside, but are politically scared to do so.
  • Some House Democrats believe that action needs to be taken and that action is a different nominee, as Biden's refusal to take a cognitive test is becoming an issue.
  • Rep. Jim Clyburn, a strong supporter of Biden, believes the party should rally behind the president due to the threat posed by former President Donald Trump.
  • Former senior adviser to Obama, David Axelrod, expressed concern over Biden's performance in the first presidential debate and his standing in the race.
  • Biden dismissed his low poll numbers in an interview with Stephanopoulos, claiming the race is a "toss-up," despite being six points behind Trump in the latest polls.
  • Representative Seth Moulton of Massachusetts also called on President Biden to step aside, stating that he needs to shoulder the responsibility of keeping the seat and part of that responsibility is to get out of the race.
  • Representative Mike Quigley of Illinois urged President Biden to step down and let someone else take over to prevent an utter catastrophe and cement his legacy.
  • Representative Angie Craig of Minnesota, who represents a key swing district, respectfully called on President Biden to step aside as the Democratic nominee for a second term as President and allow for a new generation of leaders to step forward.
  • Some lawmakers have called for the party to unequivocally back the president, including prominent members of the Congressional Black Caucus.
  • Mr. Biden has been working to address concerns about his ability to serve another term with a number of appearances in recent days, making clear his intention to stay in the race at every turn.
  • A group of senior House Democrats met with House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries over Zoom Sunday night, where four more lawmakers said Mr. Biden should leave the race.
  • Biden sent a letter to Democrats in Congress reaffirming his commitment to running for a second term
  • He argued that he was the best person to beat Donald Trump in 2024 and that the voters of the Democratic Party had selected him as their presumptive nominee
  • Biden warned that forcing him off the ticket would subvert the will of the voters and expressed frustration with those doubting his fitness for another term
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