
Meta to hire machine learning engineers while cutting thousands of jobs

Information Technology・Society

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Display highlights
  • Meta is ramping up hiring for machine learning engineers while cutting thousands of jobs
  • The company is planning ML Batch Day Interviews between February 11th - March 13th
  • Meta is projected to spend $65 billion on AI this year
  • The company is committed to growing its interviewer pool by 20%
  • Interviewing is once again a top priority for Meta
360 summary
  • Meta began its year-end performance review process for 2024 in December, although most employees wouldn't learn their final ratings until the coming weeks.
  • Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been pushing to streamline Meta's workforce as the company pours billions into artificial intelligence and virtual reality. The cuts could become an annual event as Meta aims to regularly trim what it considers its lowest performers.
  • Multiple employees told BI that they felt frustrated that Meta had publicly framed the layoffs as targeting consistently low performers when some of those affected had previously received strong performance reviews.
Business InsiderBusiness Insider
  • Some employees were surprised and confused by their termination, and felt that they were not low performers
  • Employees expressed concern that being labeled as low performers could harm their future job prospects
  • Several employees reported that their managers had given them no indication that their jobs were at risk
Business InsiderBusiness Insider
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