
Beloved 'It's Always Sunny' Actress Lynne Marie Stewart Passes Away at 78

Cultural & entertainment

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  • Lynne Marie Stewart, known for Pee-Wee's Playhouse and It's Always Sunny, died at 78.
  • She had a successful career spanning from the '70s to recent times.
  • Stewart portrayed iconic characters like Miss Yvonne and Bonnie.
  • Colleagues and fans mourned her passing, praising her talent and kindness.
360 summary
  • Charlie Day paid tribute to Lynne Marie Stewart on Instagram, acknowledging her brilliance and talent in the industry.
  • Danny DeVito expressed his sadness over Stewart's passing, describing her as a wonderful spirit to work with on "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia."
  • Lynne Marie Stewart's spokesperson highlighted her dedication to her craft, emphasizing that she prioritized her work over money or fame.
  • Stewart's first regularly scheduled TV series role was as Joy Bellini in the 1970s dramedy Husbands, Wife & Lovers.
  • She was active as an animated voice performer in TV series like The Mork & Mindy, Laverne & Shirley/Fonz Hour, A Pup Named Scooby-Doo, and Batman: The Animated Series.
  • Stewart appeared in 18 episodes of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia from 2005 through to 2023.
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