Potential depletion of expensive munitions by Russia
360 summary
The F-16s obtained by Ukraine are equipped with AN/ALQ-131 jamming pods, providing a crucial advantage in disrupting enemy radar systems and electronic warfare tactics.
In addition to active defenses like metal chaff and flares, the F-16s also feature passive defenses such as the AN/ALQ-162 jammer and AN/AAR-60 missile warning system, enhancing their survivability in combat situations.
Despite the advanced protective systems, the loss of one F-16 during an air-defense patrol highlights the risks faced by Ukrainian pilots, emphasizing the ongoing challenges in maintaining air superiority.
The UMPK guidance kits were crucial in protecting Russia's aerial forces from Ukrainian air defenses, but their effectiveness has been compromised by Ukraine's disruption of satellite navigation.
Russia will need to modify its guidance kits to counter Ukraine's electronic warfare tactics and maintain the effectiveness of its glide bombs.
Ukraine's successful deployment of electronic warfare systems to shield high-value targets has forced Russia to reconsider its tactics and potentially deplete stocks of more expensive munitions.
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