
Apple News+ Food: A New Recipe Feature for Subscribers


sparksAI summary
Display highlights
  • Apple News+ Food offers curated recipes from partner publishers
  • Interactive features like ingredient tapping and cooking timers enhance user experience
  • Users cannot add their own recipes to the platform
  • Publishers are not compensated additionally for their content
  • Apple aims to increase revenue through subscriptions and expand its app ecosystem
360 summary
  • Users can find the Food section by scrolling down in the Apple News app's Today feed, where they will discover a featured recipe curated by Apple's editorial team.
  • Accessing the Food+ section can be done by tapping on the "More food" link in the Today tab or by tapping on the "Food" link in the Following tab for a more direct route to recipes.
  • Within the Food+ section, users will encounter a daily updated featured recipe and a range of recommended stories tailored to their interests, enhancing personalization with increased app engagement.
  • Users can easily save recipes directly to the News app for future reference, enhancing their cooking experience.
  • Convenient filters such as "dinner," "easy," "vegetarian," and "under 30 minutes" help users quickly find recipes that suit their preferences and time constraints.
  • Special features like ingredient tapping and cooking timers streamline the cooking process, making it more efficient and enjoyable for users.
  • Apple's launch of Apple News+ Food further solidifies its presence in the mobile app ecosystem, competing directly with third-party developers who rely on App Store purchases for revenue.
  • Unlike independent developers, Apple can introduce new apps without the need for a separate business model, leveraging its iPhone sales to sustain these ventures.
  • The lack of additional compensation for publishers in Apple News+ Food highlights the challenge smaller and indie developers face in monetizing their content compared to Apple's established revenue-sharing model.
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