Winnipeg Teen Embraces Multiculturalism Through Language Learning
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Erick Wright, 17, learns 5 languages
Believes in language and cultural immersion
Featured in a student documentary from Sisler High School's Create program
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Orysva Petryshyn, Wright's Ukrainian teacher, praises his unique abilities in dancing, speaking multiple languages, and engaging in diverse dialogues with others.
Wright emphasizes the importance of immersing oneself in both language and culture for effective learning, viewing them as a package deal.
Students from Sisler High School's Create program, including Semira Abolore, Venice Pasaraba, and Justina Finch, produced a documentary highlighting Wright's passion for language learning and cultural exploration.
Semira Abolore, one of the filmmakers, is an aspiring filmmaker, writer, and producer with a passion for storytelling that originated from her love of books and family movie nights.
Venice Pasaraba, another filmmaker, is a digital design enthusiast who enjoys making videos and editing, aiming to enhance her filmmaking skills and proficiency with cameras.
The Create program at Sisler High School, where the documentary was produced, focuses on training students in creative digital arts like filmmaking, emphasizing teamwork and collaboration in bringing stories to life.
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