Federal judge to rule on Trump administration's NIH funding cuts
Proposed cuts limit indirect costs to 15% of grants, aiming to save $4 billion yearly
Legal challenges raised by states and research institutions against the cuts
Concerns over potential job losses and hindrance to medical research projects
Lawsuit claims NIH violated federal laws and disregarded Congress's provisions
360 summary
Nicole Huberfeld doubts sustainability of cuts due to arbitrary nature and Congress's involvement
Samuel Bagenstos asserts NIH's non-compliance with Congress's statute as clear illegality
Researchers challenge NIH's comparison of indirect costs between private philanthropies and federal government
The states' attorneys general argue that the NIH violated the federal Administrative Procedure Act by imposing a blanket limit on indirect costs without negotiating rates with individual institutions.
The lawsuit alleges that the new policy is considered "arbitrary and capricious" under federal administrative law, as it was implemented suddenly without considering the actual indirect costs incurred by grant recipients.
Congress specifically prohibited across-the-board limits to NIH grants in a 2018 appropriations bill, indicating that the Trump administration may be disregarding the will of Congress with the proposed funding cuts.
Adam Sychla, a postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard Medical School, highlighted that the proposed NIH cuts would jeopardize their research project on programmable therapeutics, as essential supercomputers for data processing are categorized as indirect costs.
Researchers like Sychla argue that the term "indirect costs" is misleading, emphasizing that these costs are crucial for enabling projects like programmable therapeutics, which require advanced technology beyond regular resources.
Sychla's concern about the potential cessation of their research enterprise underscores the significant impact the NIH funding cuts could have on cutting-edge medical research and scientific progress.
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